Egnyte For Good: Our Work with Habitat for Humanity
In April, Egnyte had an awesome opportunity to work with the local chapter of Habitat for Humanity. Habitat for Humanity Greater San Francisco specializes in strengthening communities, restoring homes, and revitalizing local neighborhoods.I first became interested in Habitat for Humanity in high school when I had the opportunity to organize a group of my friends, teachers, and classmates to help at a site in a rural area of North Carolina. In only one week, we were able to directly impact three families in need.Since that experience, I have been trying to show people in my life how rewarding volunteering your time and effort can be. This particular event was part of a greater “Egnyte for Good” effort within our community.During this event, we worked alongside two AmeriCorps volunteers who have dedicated their professional careers to Habitat for Humanity for the year. We also worked with a Habitat for Humanity leader who had been with the organization for over 10 years.

Throughout the eight-hour day, we helped in fence repairs and preparing the house for repainting.The fence team clipped foliage, dug post holes, mixed cement, set fence posts, and affixed the fence to the posts. The wall team worked on scraping previous paint off the walls, sanding the walls, and priming.The house that we worked on belongs to a wonderful woman who invited us into her home and fed us! We were looking up nearby restaurants on Yelp when she told us that she had already prepared us lunch. Her traditional Filipino porridge was a hearty meal made with rice and chicken and a side of fried garlic slices.She is a cancer survivor and Bay Area native who lives alone. She volunteers her time and energy at the church right around the corner from where she lives. Her humble living and energy really resonated with all of us throughout the event. It was really inspiring to be able to see the impact that I was making that day.

Not only do Egnyters volunteer our time and effort, we also welcome friends and family to join us in our volunteering endeavors. We’ve already brought a few along, and we hope to spread the volunteering bug to anyone and everyone who is interested.I was happy to see that this experience seemed to be very popular amongst my colleagues. I'm excited to invite anyone, and everyone, to join us for our next volunteer experience. We’ll be doing another event with Habitat for Humanity on Saturday, June 25th, in San Francisco’s Bayview Area.